Prepare and Match

”Prepare and Match” is a program provided by Arbetsförmedlingen (Swedish Public Employment Service), in collaboration with providers that includes Hyllie Park Talentbyrån. These providers help participants find work or an education as quickly as possible.

How can we help you?

We provide you with a personal mentor whom you will meet on a regular basis, which we believe is one of the most important aspects of Prepare and Match. It is important to get familiar with who you are, your situation and what your goals are. Closely with your mentor, you will create a plan specifically to your needs to best achieve your goals.

This could include:

  • Writing job applications and CV
  • Seminars
  • Interview training
  • Contacting different companies
  • Career counselling
  • Mentorship
  • Motivation and follow-ups

To apply

Register with Arbetsförmedlingen (The Swedish Public Employment Service).
Inform Arbetsförmedlingen that you want to join “Rusta och matcha”at Hyllie Park Talentbyrån.
Give them our KA-number (see below for location).

If you need assistant to apply, please contact us.

Hyllie Park Talentbyrån KA numbers different locations:

Malmö: 100 725 33
Simrishamn: 100 725 32


About Us

Hyllie Park Talentbyrån are owned by Hyllie Park Folk High School and Skillinge Missionshus. We are non-profit with a strong commitment to making a positive impact on our society. Our greatest motivation is a deep dedication to seeing people grow and fulfill their potential.

As a “Rusta och matcha” provider, we also aim to contribute to the development of our society and business sector.

Hyllie Park Talentbyrån started out as a two-year EU project where we successfully matched new immigrants with employers in Southeastern Skåne. Before Rusta and Matcha, we worked with a project called Stöd och matchning.

Hyllie Park Talentbyrån is made up of passionate people with diverse backgrounds and experience within recruitment, personal development, coaching, pedagogy, guidance, HR personnel, organizational development, and change management.

Why are we called Talentbyrån?

In ancient times, a talent was a unit of weight used to measure coins, gold, silver, etc. A Greek silver talent weighed 26 kilograms (!). A talent thus had significant value. The word ”talent” in English also means “natural aptitude or skill”. So, for us, a talent is a person with aptitude and skill of immense value – and how we view our participants!

Contact us

Please fill out the form and we will contact you! 

Interested in Talentbyrån in the city of:

Registered at Arbetsförmedlingen

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